Title: Clockwork Angel
Author: Cassandra Clare
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Published: August 31st, 2010
Series: The Infernal Devices
How I Served It: Hardcover
How I Got It: Own
"In a time when Shadowhunters are barely winning the fight against the forces of darkness, one battle will change the course of history forever. Welcome to the Infernal Devices trilogy, a stunning and dangerous prequel to the New York Times bestselling Mortal Instruments series.
The year is 1878. Tessa Gray descends into London’s dark supernatural underworld in search of her missing brother. She soon discovers that her only allies are the demon-slaying Shadowhunters—including Will and Jem, the mysterious boys she is attracted to. Soon they find themselves up against the Pandemonium Club, a secret organization of vampires, demons, warlocks, and humans. Equipped with a magical army of unstoppable clockwork creatures, the Club is out to rule the British Empire, and only Tessa and her allies can stop them...." --- Goodreads
So this is kind of a re-read. I say kind of because honestly, I didn't remember any of the things that happened despite the fact that I'm fairly positive that I read this when it was released back in 2010. Pretty sure this either means that I'm getting old or going crazy, but that's an issue for my roommate and a bottle of wine to handle. Anyway, I read/loved the original Mortal Instruments series. I'm actually pretty sure that I read Clare's work back when it was a fan-fiction, but I can't swear to that (like I said, I'm getting old). I read the fourth book Clare popped out but haven't been able to get myself to read the fifth; is it worth it?
Clockwork Angel reminded me why I really liked the first three books. It had that same spark and levity to it, a love triangle that I didn't hate on contact and characters who all have some serious issues. It's a lot like Degrassi, but with supernatural stuff, and set in Steampunk London. Now, my feelings on steampunk vary vastly. I loved the Gail Carriger books, but for the most part don't love the other steampunk stuff. I know Angel had/has a huge following from non-steampunk people, so maybe that's why I liked it? It doesn't focus on the cogs and gears but rather just allows them to be in the background. That makes sense to me.
Back to the point, Angel follows Tessa, a girl who thought she was a normal human until she's taken captive by the Dark Sisters and tortured into releasing her hidden power of shape-shifting. It's kind of a cool power that bounces between totally useless and super-cool. Not going to lie, I had kind of wished that her super power was being a crazy fighter to challenge gender roles and everything, but maybe that will come in later books. Anyway, she's saved by the London shadowhunters and taken to their institute where she meets/bonds with the crew. There's Jessie, the brat, Will, the dreamy bad boy, Jem the dreamy quiet type, Charlotte, the 'mom', Henry, the nutty professor and the servants Sophie, Agatha and Thomas who all seem like good people. I love how Clare doesn't let any of her characters get by unscathed. Everyone has a darker back story, everyone has issues. In this I find that she's very true-to-life. In the real world everyone has secrets.
So, I know this was only the first book in the trilogy, but I'm already confused as to which side of the love triangle I am on. It's not really an Edward/Jacob contrast, and I mean, I guess it's not even really a fully established triangle, but it's definitely implied. On the one hand, Will is spunky and sarcastic and dark. On the other, Jem is nice and open and dying. They both have tragic back-stories I'm sure... I guess I'll just have to see what happens in the next two books to sway me. Maybe one of them will end up with Jessamine. That seems likely at this point.
What was perhaps the only truly annoying thing about Angel is that, being the first book in a trilogy, it doesn't really answer any of the questions it poses. I mean, yes, the truth about Nate and the Magister comes out, but aside from that... I want to know why Will is such a butt-head! And I want to know the truth about Tessa! Basically I want all of the answers now! Good thing I'm reading this trilogy now as opposed to when it was released, since I get to skip the waiting!
I also kind of felt like the plot was kind of meh. Or well, more like it was an intro plot. I get the feeling that this series is the kind of trilogy where the whole plot over the three books might be great, but where none of the three books are stellar on their own. I think that's the big trick of these YA fantasy series; there needs to be a balance between individual book plots and overall plot. I can't remember how the original series handled this... Anyway, don't get me wrong, I have no serious complaints, and I loved the twist about Tessa's brother. It fit so well with everything else in the book and I think the next two books will probably speed up and get super intense.
The Final Noodle:
I'm glad I decided to re-read this. I'll definitely be pulling the sequels off of my shelf and reading them too in the coming weeks. I think if you liked the original trilogy, you should give this one a go. If you haven't read the original trilogy then... I don't know if you'd need to, but Clare definitely put in some Easter Eggs that you'll miss if you're not familiar with the original gang's adventures.
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