Dear World,
Hi! This is the awkward first blog post! Let's get it done!
So, the way I see it, there are two people in this blog. There's you, the great big world (or probably just my mom), and me. I don't know much about you. Maybe I will soon. Maybe we'll become friends over books or TV shows or Zelda. As for me, I'm a tall girl (I should say young woman, but that's a mouthful) on Long Island. . Very recently graduated from Lafayette College over in Easton and currently living with my, yup you guessed it, parents. Not for long though, I hope! I work in NY in the television industry. Nothing exciting (yet), my job is pretty much just administrative... but I do tend to knock over late-night hosts in the elevators, so there's that. Television doesn't pay though, so if I ever want to move of my parents' house (and believe me, I do), I need to save every scrap of a dollar... which means a lot of Ramen and not a lot of else.
Living with my parents on LI also means that I am commuting to work.. and it's a long journey. So that's a lot of time to read, and I read a lot. Thing is, I don't really have anyone to talk to about a lot of the books I read. Coming out of college where talking about books and ideas took up a lot of my classes (I was a double major in Econ and English), it's kind of a harsh fall. I want to talk and think about books; with people, at people... and this want is birthing this blog. That was an awkward phrasing, but you get the idea. I'm going to read a lot of books and talk at you about them. Hopefully some of you will talk back. I'm mostly going to read YA because, well, that's my dream. Someday I want to write YA novels and inspire the next generation of girls to kick-ass like so many writers have inspired me. But, I like adult books too, so maybe I'll explore some of them with you. I just like to read.
I don't know where this blog is going to go. Maybe it'll be just books. Maybe we'll get deep and talk about our feelings. Maybe not. I just want it to go somewhere... so... take a trip with me?
PS. You can check me out on goodreads if you want to get a feel for what I like to read!
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